I read something recently that really threw me for a technological loop. Here it is: Only 38% of businesses in America have a dedicated and bona fide website. That is a staggering statistic in the modern-day world of business and ecommerce. Especially when you stop to consider that well over 95% of all consumers today start their buying process with a simple search at Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft Bing. I shudder to think about all of those missed opportunities and lost potential customers that those businesses just let fall by the wayside. It’s just mind boggling.

Don’t be fooled folks: Having a dedicated social media page for your products or services is great, I might even say super important, but that should not supplant the idea of having a real, dedicated dot com for your business. Contacts made through social media sites like Twitter and Instagram belong to those brands. Sales that are made through them as well are generally subject to higher processing fees and you don’t own those customer details, which means you can’t take them with you when you leave the platform. Having your own business branded website entitles you to direct, unfettered access to your contacts and customers. Any serious business who wants to compete and maintain every competitive edge in today’s marketplace needs to have their own website.

If you are one of those businesses or services that are not in the 38% we’d love to help you get your own website up and running. We offer a new customer special for new web projects at a great price. We can build your basic 5-page business site in as little as 5 days, and host the site for 5 months, for only $500. There is a $50 monthly fee that covers maintenance, security patches, and minor updates for 5 months. That is a grand total of $750 and at the end of the term you can decide if you want to manage the site in-house going forward or keep us around for another 5 months.

Our web clients also get free advertising and promotion right here on Golden State Links which helps your overall web operations and search engine rankings without having to put in any extra work, or research, or added cost. If you’d like to find out more, we give free initial consultations and would love to help get you online.